Friday, January 27, 2006

A Helpful Summation

With minimal experience doing any kind of photojournalism, I found LaBelle's summary of the hunt for great feature photography to be very helpful. Upon analysis, these elements all make perfect, simplistic sense - so much so that I am kicking myself for not fusing these elements into my initial picture assignment. Because essentially all my journalistic experience comes from the written word, I've often overlooked the intricacies of photography. This may seem somewhat elementary and corny, but I am beginning to develop a much stronger appreciation for what goes into a great photo.

The most lasting and prevailing images will always be ones that either show or evoke great emotion. Probably my favorite passage from the reading was LaBelle's description of what constitutes a moment. "Moments make statements - they say something about the human condition. They don't require poetic words to describe to the reader what is happening, only identification of the subject and the circumstances." I completely agree with this sentiment. Though the writer in me wants to defend my favorite craft, frothy metaphors are no match for a flawless snapshot.


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