Sunday, January 29, 2006

Photo readings- Blog #2

Looking through David Snider's portfolio, I remember why I enjoy photography so much. While I do not consider myself very skilled at the art, I do appreciate it for its ability to truly encapsulate a moment, a feeling, an expression that people ordinarily may not notice. Photography is reality. Articles can tell great stories through carefully chosen words, but it is the accompanying picture that often brings the text to life.
Snider's pictures embody many of the qualities that the "The Great Picture Hunt" article said are essential for good photos. There's emotion, there's originality. In many he was able to capture an angle or composition that takes a simple topic and makes it more interesting, and in some ways more important.
"The Great Picture Hunt" article raises some good points on ways to seek out good stories and improve one's ability to take good photographs. I really admire people who possess this talent. And while I don't consider myself a photographer, I hope I can adopt these suggestions and in turn see my own attempts at photography turn into work I can be proud to turn in and display.


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