Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Convergence Confab

From Steff Sanchez:
One day, I hope to have a really cool job. Seriously. I think that being a ‘Backpack Journalist’ would be perfect. (It seems to be slick, kind of like the special forces of news media.)
What is wrong with wanting to be a Renaissance [Wo]Man of Journalism for the Digital Age? It is understandable for there to be initial kinks – multimedia journalism is only in its infancy. I strongly agree with Preston Mendhall’s sentiment from the Stone article, in that: “…multimedia journalists are here to stay. It has evolved to the point where one person can pretty much do it all. We're just waiting for the technology to do it better.”
There is a market for backpack journalism. Think of it this way: our generation has been computer savvy almost our entire lives (perhaps around kindergarten?) We no longer strongly consume news via radio, newspaper, or television, but will compulsively check email (or dare I say Facebook) daily. To me, it just makes sense. As the technology develops and the field establishes itself, there is no reason that convergence journalism should not catch on.

[Postscriptum: I like capitalization. And my writing is very informal. Please ignore my disregarding AP style, etc. etc. *or at least do not take off points?*–SS]


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