Thursday, August 24, 2006

Ideas always rule!

Joyce Choi

True that a computer-illiterate person could hardly be hired as a reporter (and many other jobs) nowadays, I still tend to believe that ideas rule over technology.

Technology helps realize ideas, but itself doesn't generate ideas. I don't agree that specialist would be sieved out for not knowing multimedia. A specialist not only possesses the skill to manage the technology, but should also hold expert ideas that they know how to manifest them through their gears. Having said that, if these specialists could even master some bit of multimedia skills - these people are kings!

If some reporters are kicked out, I would say these people are either too mediocre to adjust themselves in the trend; or too mediocre they've been in their so-called expert field.

I, however, trust that in the midst of this civic journalism world, what specialist/smart people/people who have an idea will suffer is not lacking of skills, but to fear all the mediocrity (in terms of ideas) that may marginalize them. They would have to find ways to get "in-group" with mediocre people sometimes, if not always.


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