Friday, November 03, 2006

flash me

I liked reading the chapters about flash, and it's definitely something the J-school here at MU could incorporate more. Interstingly, the current managing editor of the Missourian, Ruben Stern, is crazy about graphics and frequently makes announcements to reporters to see what they can do to add more of them (and general interactivity and online extras) whenever possible. So, although the MIssourian can certainly do better (and they will continue to do so when the new web site is released), they've come a long way.

The most important part of that, besides having tech-savvy journalists who know how to use Flash, is to continue to communicate to reporters the importanc of multimedia. Most of the flash stories we've done don't have that crucial component most online users require: control. We should make our multimedia more interactive. Instead of just hitting play, they should be able to have a wide variety of functions.

Still, all in all, I'm excited to learn Flash.


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