Thursday, January 18, 2007

Applied Convergence Baby

By Sarah Damian

Newspapers all over are desperately reaching out for new employees who can run their refurbished interactive online news sites that organize all their videos, articles, podcasts, etc. etc. etc. My dad just gave me an ad to read from the Southern Illinoisan that runs in my hometown, Carbondale, Illinois, and it basically featured a job that embodies the new convergence journalist like me! Millions of people of my generation are blogging and podcasting and video-blogging on a daily basis, serving as citizen journalists that combine the elements of convergence journalism, especially traveling bloggers who really represent the aspect of backpack journalism.

Until recently, I was positive I was going to do broadcast journalism, enveloping myself in video-editing. Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premier, Avid...I'm going to dominate all the non-linear editing systems... But wait! I also love to write. Reading articles that dig deep and articulate the written word so incredibly well inspires me, and I aim to accomplish such talented, lengthy pieces. Caryn Rousseau, a Mizzou alumnus, now works for the convergence branch of the Associated Press on their new asap website geared towards the younger news audience. Choosing story by story what medium to emphasize, she fits the needs of the audience in terms of what approach will best satisfy them in attaining information. One of her assignments was to interview an Amish girl from the midwest, but she wasn't allowed to videotape or photograph her. Thus, she produced an audio clip that brought the audience closer to the Amish lifestyle. Being adept at using a digital voice recorder among other journalistic devices proved worthy.

I definitely understand the idea of mediocrity. Rousseau explained how the requirement to suddenly know how to edit video footage was a challenge. But if she needs assistance, she has professional AP editors available. The incoming journalism graduates, if trained in these varied, but collaborative technologies, can become amazing 21st century investments for all news organizations. I am increasingly learning the benefits of web development as the world and its contents find a home online. Learning Dreamweaver, Flash, Photoshop, in addition to FCP and Soundtrack Pro will no doubt be beneficial in entering the job market of journalism.

*Some people say 'forget backpack journalism....pocket journalism is the new thing'. Phones are serving citizen journalists in prominent ways, as seen by the Michael Richards outburst and the hanging of Saddam. Traditional pro journalists watch out! You have some competition!


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