Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Backpack Journalists

So that's why I chose the convergence sequence. Not because I agree with one article or the other, but because both of these people took time out of their day to discuss my future career. TONS of people are debating this topic. The sheer fact that so many people are concerned with "backpack journalism" proves that it is here to stay. Aside from my own personal "eureka," I had mixed thoughts on each article.
I do believe there is a need for “backpack journalists,” but I also believe that there will continue to be a need for specialists (like any career field). I agree with Martha Stone in thinking that there will be quite a few of these backpack journalists who will be a “jack of all trades and a master of none”, but she didn’t rule out the fact that if the person was good, backpack journalism would be helpful. So that argument revolves around qualified people and training, not whether backpack journalism is useful. With the way technology is being used among upcoming generations I think the “backpack journalist” will be necessary for every newsroom, maybe not is masses, but definitely necessary. It is a very particular type of person that is able to be a successful and thorough “backpack journalist” and that’s ok. How many convergence students are there compared to every other sequence? Few (back to the fact it takes a “particular person”). And that’s ok. It is obvious that there will be an ever-growing field for this new multimedia journalism…job security anyone?


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