Tuesday, October 10, 2006

First on IDEAS

By Joyce Choi

Golden Rule: First on ideas, then on images and words.

Fred Shook has pointed out a very common, but inefficient, thinking process or concept people have.

We tend to think: Oh, it's a TV story, so images should be the focus.

As I worked with the Canon XL, what my head and eyes were looking for were INTERESTING images and actions. In some ways, this is not at all wrong; just that visuals gathered could be lack of content and thus focus if we don't have an idea in mind in the first place.

It's all about the thinking process. Images and words are there TO PROVE the main story idea. A crucial point is that we should actually bear our ideas BEFORE we actually go out the field. I never thought it that way, even though my literature classes have taught me motifs are there to build up themes, i.e. main story idea.

Another golden rule is that immediately in the field, we look for a powerful close shot. I have reservation in believing this. But I'll definitely try this out for our TV package.


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