Monday, February 12, 2007

Chinese School

I thought, overall, the Chinese School story by KBIA was fairly well done. There were a variety of sources - teachers, parents, students, and sociologists. However, I felt like there wasn't a good explanation of why this story was important - the story in my mind lacked a nut graf.
The story also lacked a strong point of view from a child. Only one interview was used, and to me it seemed that the student was not comfortable being interviewed. She sounded irritated not because she doesn't care about her Chinese culture (like the reporter framed it) but because she didn't want to be interviewed. I would be interested to know how many students the reporter interviewed, and if this was truly the best interview or just the one that supported the story that the reporter had in mind.
I had a problem with the phrase "classic long face," used to describe that one student that was interviewed. Was this a bit of editorializing? Maybe it wasn't an egregious error, but it troubled me a bit and I would have phrased it differently.


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