Thursday, March 23, 2006

Web Design

Don't Panic.

I seem to be telling myself that a lot lately. But, this reading alleviated a bit of my panic over the web site portion of our big story assignment (side rant: why does EVERY jounalism class have to end with a big story? I am currently working on four of them in three classes, but I digress). The reading made the idea of designing a page to be aestetically attractive and user-friendly seem plausable, even for a non-creative genius like me. It really not all that unlike designing a page for a newspaper, and as a page editor for my high school paper I struggled with the aspect of making it visually appealing. But I did improve, so I'm hoping that with a little bit of time and some more experience this will become easier.


Blogger Lynda Kraxberger said...

It's the end of the semester already, but I couldn't leave this alone! We end with a "big" story, because suppposedly we're progressing toward something in our learning. Rather than learning the same thing over and over again. So, I guess teachers hope that by assigning a "BIG" story that you'll use the tools you picked up along the way to create something of more substance, depth or at least quantity by the time that you're through. Or should we close out a semester of reporting with a headline and a one paragraph brief! :) I'm kidding. Just kidding.

8:37 AM  

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