Wednesday, March 15, 2006

BBC Video on Australia

I found a video story at about the Queen's visit to Australia, with the focus on the likeliness of Australia becoming a republic and leaving the British Commonwealth. And it was boring. It was mostly about a state visit, where both the Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard and HRH Queen Elizabeth say the exact same thing: Australia will remain a part of the Commonwealth for the forseeable future. Blah blah blah.

I thought the video techniques were much more sedate than other broadcast stories I've seen. Droning voice over, an uninteresting interview with the prime minister, footage of the Queen. It wasn't very interesting visually or with the audio. Even though I lived in Australia for a year and have more interest in the country's politics than the average American, I wasn't interested at all after about 20 seconds, which was a huge disapointment for me.


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